Post-Foreclosure Eviction Attorneys in Las Vegas
Nevada leads the nation in foreclosures. In 2011, one in every 16 housing units in Nevada received a foreclosure filing. These foreclosures provide an opportunity for individuals and families to purchase an affordable home. However, purchasing foreclosed property has its risks, particularly if the property is currently occupied.
If you purchase a foreclosed property, you should seek advice from an experienced attorney before trying to evict a tenant or the prior owner. At Law Practice, Ltd., we advise clients of their property rights and assist with evictions throughout the Las Vegas area. Post-foreclosure eviction lawyer Ann E. Kolber Esq. has more than 30 years of experience handling evictions, landlord-tenant matters and other real estate issues.
At our firm, we exclusively represent landlords and property owners in foreclosed property evictions and other real estate matters. Contact our Las Vegas office at (702) 899-2875 to set up an appointment.
The Eviction Process After Buying Foreclosed Property
After purchasing foreclosed property, federal law requires you to give 90 days' notice to any tenants living on the property if you wish to evict them. This means that you will not be able to move onto the property for at least three months after you purchase property in foreclosure. During this time period, however, the tenant must pay rent.
After the three-month period, if the tenant refuses to leave the premises, we can help you bring an unlawful detainer action to evict the tenant. Additionally, if the tenant fails to pay rent or damages the property, we can help you obtain a money judgment in court.
Do Not Try to Handle Eviction Alone
In order to ensure that you have given proper notice to the tenant, you should seek assistance from an experienced eviction lawyer. At our firm, we can help you understand your rights as a landlord or property owner and assist you in enforcing those rights.
Contact a Nevada Lawyer for Residential & Commercial Tenant Evictions
For more information or to schedule an appointment with our experienced lawyers regarding post-foreclosure evictions, contact us.

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Skilled attorneys who specialize in divorce and family law, providing you with the knowledge and support you need at every stage. At Law Practice, Ltd., we’re here to provide you with the support you need during one of life’s most challenging times.