Las Vegas Alimony Lawyers
Advocating for a Fair Spousal Support Order
Alimony is a subject that often causes discord in an otherwise peaceful divorce. The receiving spouse may want more, while the paying spouse is unwilling to pay more than a certain amount. At Law Practice, Ltd., our alimony attorneys in Las Vegas look out for the best interests of our clients. While our Vegas alimony attorneys attempt to reach an agreement through mediation, we are ready to pursue litigation when necessary.
Protect your rights. Call (702) 899-2875 to discuss your situation with our dedicated divorce lawyers in Las Vegas.
When May a Judge Grant Alimony in Nevada?
During a Nevada divorce, agreements are often made in terms of child support and alimony. Child support is an ongoing, periodic payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of a child following the end of a marriage or other relationship. Alimony in Nevada is a pre-determined sum set by the court awarded to a spouse before or after marital separation or divorce. A judge may award alimony:
- When there is a disparity in income between the parties
- When the couple has been married or in a domestic partnership for a long period of time
- When a spouse needs financial support because of a health issue
- When a spouse needs retraining to get back into the workforce
Alimony can be made as a one-time payment or monthly payments. Monthly payments are most common, but a court has the ability to choose what payment schedule they find most appropriate.
How Is Alimony Calculated in Nevada?
Unlike child support, there is not a set formula or calculation for alimony. The process of awarding spousal support is more subjective, and the judge will order an award if spouses cannot agree. Spousal support can either be rehabilitative or permanent. Our Las Vegas alimony lawyers can help with this process. Rehabilitative support is awarded to give the lower-income spouse time to get the education or training they need to increase their earning potential.
When awarding alimony in Nevada, judges may consider:
- Each spouse’s income and earning capacity
- The length of the marriage
- The marital standard of living
- Each spouse’s education level
- Either spouse’s contributions as a homemaker or raising children
The duration of alimony will be determined by a judge. If rehabilitative alimony is awarded, the court will set a time limit. For permanent alimony, support will terminate if the spouse receiving alimony remarries or either spouse dies. Alimony can be awarded as monthly payments or as a one-time payout depending on the situation.

Contact Our Las Vegas Spousal Support Lawyers
Our Nevada-based alimony attorneys have decades of experience representing clients in complex and emotionally charged divorces. Our alimony lawyers in Las Vegas will strive to help you negotiate a satisfactory alimony order. You can count on us to advocate on your behalf and provide the counsel you need to make informed decisions.
Call (702) 899-2875 to schedule an appointment to discuss your alimony dispute with a Las Vegas spousal support lawyer.

Meet Our Dedicated Attorneys
Skilled attorneys who specialize in divorce and family law, providing you with the knowledge and support you need at every stage. At Law Practice, Ltd., we’re here to provide you with the support you need during one of life’s most challenging times.